Commercial and Residential As-built drawings.

Revision Measuring Inc.

For over a decade Revision has been helping Designers and Real Estate Professionals understand, visualize and work with existing buildings. Using 3D LiDAR scanning we can create a Digital Twin of any buildings.

From small interior design jobs to complete home renovations we have a drawing package that will give you the best possible start. Not sure what drawings you’ll need? Tell us about your project and our Architectural design consultants will help you choose the best set of as-built drawings for your project.

Step 1: Tell us about your project.

Step 2: Choose deliverables that fit your workflow.

All of our packages come standard with a set of PDF drawings and an AutoCAD drawing file. We can also deliver your project as a BIM or Sketchup model to seamlessly integrate with your design process.

All drawings come standard with a full set of site photos, but if you’re looking for a more immersive experience then ask us about our virtual tours. Walk through the home and take measurements of anything without ever leaving your office!! (Additional cost apply for BIM, Sketch up modeling and virtual tours)

One of our Certified Building Measurement Specialists will arrive at the home to complete the survey. (Surveying takes approximately 1 hour for every 1,000 sq ft.) You will receive your finished drawing package within 72 hours.

Step 3: Leave the rest to us.

Our Process: